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How your menstrual cycle affects your sleep

Nope, it’s not all in your head—your period actually does change how well you sleep.

a person sits up in bed holding their lower abdomen and wincing somewhat Credit: Getty Images / Prostock-Studio

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It can seem as thougheverythingaffects your sleep—whether it’s the obvious connection betweensleep and food, or the more subtle ties betweentemperature and slumber.

Your period—and fluctuations in hormone levels that come with it—are no exception. While not everyone who menstruates will experience these changes, about 50% of people who have periods do, saysFiona Baker, the Human Sleep Research Program director at SRI (formerly theStanford Research Institute). Here’s everything you need to know about menstruation and sleep.

How are the menstrual cycle and sleep connected?

a person lies asleep on the couch under a blanket
Credit: Getty Images / LaylaBird

People with PMS may experience daytime sleepiness during their cycle.

In short, there’s one key variable that correlates to both menstrual cycle and sleep, and that’s hormones. Particularly, there’s fluctuation in one hormone that seems to worsen people with periods' sleep during their cycles: progesterone.

Both estrogen and progesterone drop prior to a person’s actual menstrual cycle, saysSara Nowakowski, an associate professor at Baylor College of Medicine who specializes in sleep.Progesteronehelps the body maintain and prepare the uterus for pregnancy, according to Yale Medicine. The hormone isn’t solely involved in pregnancy, though—it alsoimproves mood and sleep. When the body realizes there isn’t a pregnancy, hormone levels “dramatically decrease,” Nowakowski says.

“Estrogen and progesterone really drop during that phase right before [menstruation],” she says. “That's kind of the hormonal fluctuation that we think is happening in some people that are kind of more predisposed to sleep problems. It’s what we consider hyper arousal—your body or your mind being kind of over-aroused,” she says.

荷尔蒙的变化并不是唯一的相互影响系统性红斑狼疮ep and menstruation. From pain due to cramping to an increase in disturbances throughout the night, there are a few other changes that people with periods may experience at “that time of the month.”

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Does your menstrual cycle harm your sleep?

a person lies on her back in bed with chocolate and her phone
Credit: Getty Images / Martin Dimitrov

Your menstrual cycle may decrease overall sleep efficiency.

In many cases, differences in sleep are noticeable in objective and subjective assessments—meaning they’re scientifically measurable and reported by study participants. For example, researchers who usedelectroencephalogramsor EEGs—which measure brain waves—to assess people’s sleep throughout the menstrual cycle noticed an uptick in “sleep spindles” following ovulation, during theluteal phase(the second half of the full 28-day cycle), Baker says. These patterns are thought to “be important for preserving sleep continuity and are also linked with sleep-dependent memory,” she explains. Turns out the increase in spindles spellsgoodnews for memory.

“In experiments looking at sleep-dependent memory, women remember better following sleep in the luteal phase than they do following sleep during menses, and their better performance seems to be related in some way to those sleep spindles,” Baker says. Her team is currently investigating the connection.

In other recent research, Nowakowski and her student saw changes in objective measures as well as participants’ reports. In particular, her team noticed “increased wake time during the night and disrupted sleep,” she says. These closely connect to another of the researchers’ findings: A decrease in sleep efficiency, which is calculated as a percentage of the time that you spend in bed and asleep. In the subjects’ perimenstrual phase, just a couple days before the onset of their periods, sleep efficiency was decreased—meaning they spent less of the time they were in bed actually sleeping.

研究对象的睡眠效率降低meaning they spent less of the time they were in bed actually sleeping.

In addition to changes in hormones, people with periods may also experience an increase in overall pain, thanks to cramps. Unfortunately, pain and sleep have a “cyclical relationship,” Nowakowski says. “The worse someone experiences pain, the more likely it is that they’re going to report their sleep is disrupted.” But the real kicker is that “the tolerance for pain goes down with sleep deprivation,” Nowakowski says. So, if you’re experiencing cramping pain that disrupts your sleep, or just sleep disruptions from your period in general, you may find your tolerance for the pain from cramps drops in subsequent days.

Of course, cramps aren’t theonlytype of pain that people experience during their period. Some may notice increased breast tenderness, which can be another type of discomfort that might change your sleep, Nowakowski notes. In conjunction with the emotional changes that some women experience—such as feeling more angry or depressed—all this creates "the perfect storm,” Nowakowski says.

As if it weren’t already enough, people with periods may also notice an increase in daytime sleepiness, Baker says. This may be especially common for people who havepremenstrual syndromeor PMS.

One other notable change occurs with the body’s temperature. Changes in progesterone levels can affect a person’s temperature peaks and troughs, Baker says. In the luteal phase “body temperature does not drop as much at night as it does in the first part of the menstrual cycle,” she says.Slumber and temperatureare intimately related, asyour core temperature drops in the hours preceding sleep.

What can you do if menstrual symptoms affect your sleep?

a person bends over and holds their stomach on the edge of their bed
Credit: Getty Images / nensuria

Maintaining regular sleep hygiene can help you catch better zzz's—even on your period.

Your menstrual cycle shouldn’t totally decimate your sleep for a week or two every month. Changes can happen, but they generally shouldn’t bethatsevere. If, for example, you’re waking up in the middle of the night to change your pad or tampon, or empty yourmenstrual cup, it’s probably not normal. People who have had children or those who have experienced miscarriages may fill a pad more quickly. Even so, if you’re filling your menstrual product of choice overnight within a few hours, Nowkowski says it’s worth talking to your gynecologist.

Baker and Nowakowski say hot water bottles can provide some relief from cramping pains. The warm sensation doesn’t heat your uterus,according to University of Utah Health. However, the expert explains, “thermally stimulating the skin can distract other nerve pathways involving pain.” Though it’s important that you don’t make the water bottletoohot. If you’re not sure where to begin, check out this well-reviewedhot water bottlethat comes with a cute fleece-like cover.

Nowakowski has also run across people who swear by118金宝搏 to improve their period symptoms. Her patients who like the blankets say they’re great for managing increases in stress or anxiety. Nowakowski also thinks the pressure could be helpful with discomfort that comes with periods.

Though circadian rhythm itself doesn't appear to change in accordance with the menstrual cycle, it's still important for sleep, Baker says. Things like exposing yourself to light in the morning, minimizing external light sources—cough cough, screens—in the evening, and maintaining a regular schedule are essential for everyone, she says.

What else is there to know about your period and sleep?

a person lies on their side asleep
Credit: Getty Images / RyanKing999

The research on how sleep and menstrual cycle connect is still growing.

Research on the exact nature of interplay between periods and menstrual cycles is still growing, Baker says. “[This subject] doesn’t always get the attention it deserves in the general arena, although as a research topic, there has been a steady increase in research, which is a great thing,” Baker says.

fo变化r people with uteruses don’t end with menstruation—in fact, the onset ofmenopause can lead to even more dramatic shifts in sleep patterns.

The best advice we can offer is to create a greatnighttime routine—yes, that includes turning off the TV a few hours before bed—and sticking to a regular sleep schedule. Maintaining a pattern will help soften the blow of other changes that may come up as you menstruate.

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