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饮食应用程序有效吗?This is what experts want you to know

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If you’re looking for ways to change up your diet, you may have considered using an app to build some healthy habits. Using adiet appcan be a helpful way to learn more about what you’re eating and make some lifestyle changes.


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How do diet plan apps differ from calorie counting apps?


One classic diet option, WW (formerly体重观察者), uses a point system in which you have an allotment for the day, with the healthier, low-cal foods counting for fewer points (or none at all!) and higher-calorie foods worth more points. A newer diet app,NOOM, uses a traffic light system that categorizes nutritious and low calorically dense foods as green (eat in abundance) and high calorically dense foods as red (eat in moderation)—in ourNOOMreview, Reviewed's executive editor Megan McCarthy found it to be useful and easy to track and categorize the food she ate.



A woman stepping on the scale.
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Diets like WW (formerly Weight Watchers) require honesty and consistency.

在改变饮食或生活方式时,这有助于问自己为什么要首先这样做。金宝搏APP下载如果您发现自己的理由对您很重要,那么您可能更有可能坚持所做的更改。“随着健康和健康的改变,'为什么'真的很重要,因为您的'为什么'是在这种变化中维持您的原因。”伊丽莎白·冈纳(Elizabeth Gunner), a New York City-based registered dietitian. “If the ‘why,’ for example, is ‘I want a flat stomach,’ that might not be as sustainable compared to somebody whose ‘why’ is ‘I want to prevent diabetes because it's something that runs in my family.’”

在她的WW评论, Reviewed’s deputy head of audience development Rachel Moskowitz says she had the most success with WW when she regularly used it, having fallen off and gotten back on a few times over the years. Any lifestyle change works best when you have consistency, and it's easier to stay motivated when you have a "why" that's meaningful to you.

If you have trouble figuring out your “why,” Gunner recommends talking it through with a professional. “Some of them are deep-rooted,” she says. “We think it's just a surface-level thing, like, ‘I want a flat stomach,’ but in reality, it's deeper. In reality, a lot of times it's ‘I want to feel valued,’ ‘I want to feel loved,’ ‘I want to feel accepted,’ ‘I want to feel worthy.’”


Diet apps only work if they teach sustainable habits

A view of a calorie counting app.
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Do diet apps actually work?

Whether you use an app or not, studies show that most“饮食”长期不是可持续的due to their restrictive nature, as well as the natural inclination to go in all-or-none. So if you find yourself struggling after a few months—or having some success, then returning to old habits—don’t stress. You’re not alone.

“大多数'饮食'不起作用,因为饮食是对食物组或卡路里的限制,”Jessica DeGore, RD,位于匹兹堡的注册营养师。“每当您切除食物组时,您都会减少大量卡路里。因此,在您停止饮食后,很多体重(您会失去)往往会回来。”

Smaller changes often work better in the end, if you can integrate them into your lifestyle, which youcanachieve with an app, as long as you give yourself some time (and cut yourself some slack) to acclimate to them. While it may be tempting to choose the program that promises you’ll shed 10 pounds in a month, the diet that encourages you to eat morewhole foodsand up yourdaily step countmay be the better option.

Diet apps aren’t one-size-fits-all

A woman tying her sneakers in grass.
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If you need a low-carb diet or low-FODMAP diet, find a program that takes that into account.

With any new diet program you start using, an app or otherwise, think about your needs beforehand. Many diets restrict users to extremely low calorie intakes that aren’t healthy or sustainable. “A lot of apps I've seen will recommend as low as 1,200 calories per day, sometimes 1,500 calories,” DeGore says. “We recommend 1,200 calories for toddlers, so I would never recommend that for a grown adult.” Not only will this heavy restriction not be sustainable, it may do more harm than good in the long run. It can slow down your metabolism, alter your natural hunger cues, and possibly lead to food binges.

此外,您可能没有应用程序可能没有考虑到更具体的营养需求。如果您知道您需要高纤维饮食来管理糖尿病或low-FODMAP(for those with conditions like irritable bowel syndrome), you should find a program that takes those needs into account.

Diet apps could spell trouble for people with eating disorders

A view of a calorie counting app and groceries.
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If you find yourself unable to let go of your diet app and its incessant calorie counting—or begin to have obsessive thoughts or guilt about consuming “bad” foods—you may want to reconsider whether this kind of food diary tracking is a good idea for you in general. “Whenever we put a negative label on something or put it on a shelf, we tend to crave it more,” says DeGore. “And that kind of makes us a little crazy and food-obsessed, which I would not consider healthy behaviors.”


If you have a history of disordered eating or obsessive exercise habits, steer clear of diet or calorie-counting apps. Additionally, if someone in your family has struggled with aneating disorder你可能在更高的风险,所以proceed with caution.

Not all diet apps are about calorie counting

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如果您想了解更多有关饮食的信息,Gunner说Cronometeris a good option (available for苹果手机in the App StoreandAndroid at Google Play). It allows users to set custom nutrient goals and track biometrics like blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol, and more that may be important to some users.

如果您正在寻找饮食应用程序,但担心要迷恋自己的数字,Degore建议使用较少以卡路里为中心且以正念为中心的应用程序。Am I Hungry(for苹果手机andAndroid) 和Ate(for苹果手机andAndroid) are two apps that focus on intuitive eating and building lifelong healthy habits.

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Prices were accurate at the time this article was published but may change over time.

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