
是的,您需要清洁床垫 - 在这里


Two boys play on bare mattress 学分:盖蒂图像 / Zoranm


We spend a lot of time in bed, so it's no wonder that mattresses can get dirty. Betweenpets sleeping in your bedanddust mitessettling in, there's no shortage of horror stories.

但是不要惊慌。您可能不需要replace your mattressjust yet. We have expert tips and tricks on how to clean your mattress at home.


woman making a bed
图片来源:Getty Images / Diego_cervo

The first step to cleaning a mattress is stripping the bed.

第一步是消除您和床垫之间的物理障碍。剥去床上用品,pillows,,,,bed sheets,,,,and床垫保护罩

“You should get off as many layers as you can to get all the dirt, dust, etc. that seeps through,” says Jon Chan, Reviewed’s senior manager of lab operations and resident cleaning expert.

That's right: As you sleep, sweat and skin from your body can get through to your mattress—and it'll sit there unless you do something about it.

将床上用品和床垫保护器扔进washing machine清洁床垫时。咨询织物上的标签as they'll have detailed cleaning instructions.

您的床垫也可能有一个缝盖,可以解压缩或以其他方式卸下。检查您的特定床垫品牌的协议,因为有些是可移动的,而另一些则不能移动。例如:封面Nectar mattress在技​​术上可以清洗,但将其删除否定了公司的保修。




Some无绳棒真空even come with a specific head for mattress cleaning. Dyson, one of our tried-and-trued brands, has a床垫tool这附在其一系列机器上。

“All types of mattresses should be vacuumed on a regular basis to remove dust and allergens,” says Madeline Miller, product specialist atThe Laundress。“我们建议每月至少一次吸尘器,然后在您深干净之前,如果家里像宠物这样的易过敏原因素,也许会更常见。”

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Don’t just vacuum the top of the mattress. She adds that you should vacuum the sides of your mattress, under your bed, and behind your headboard.


学分:审核 /贝西·戈德瓦瑟(Betsey Goldwasser)



“Baking soda is an amphoteric oxide,” Chan explains. “This means it reacts with strong acids and alkaines—which produce some of the strongest odors, sapping them of their potency.”

小苏打on your mattress and leave it for 30 minutes, then vacuum your mattress again.

If you’re just doing a general freshen-up, feel free to put your bedding back on and be done. You might even consider rotating your mattress after cleaning to help with even wear. Consult your mattress manufacturer for specific guidelines.

Consider steaming your mattress

学分:eviewed.com / jeremy stamas


“Another way to refresh your mattress and neutralize odors is steaming,” Miller says. “The high heat of the steam lifts surface dirt, grime, and sweat away, neutralizing odors.”

She says you should hover蒸笼距床垫六英寸,在整个表面和侧面移动。

Spot-clean stains

A person installs a new mattress.
信用:Getty Images / DGLimages


To get rid of specific sweat stains and coffee spills, stick to spot-cleaning them. But don’t reach for just any cleaning solution and start scrubbing. Some foam andmemory foam mattressesdon’t react well with typical cleaners, Chan says.

您还应该避免使用粗糙的刷子,尤其是在泡沫床垫上。选择温柔lint-free cleaning cloth完成工作。

“Keep in mind synthetics like memory foam can trap moisture and lead to mold and mildew growth,” Miller says. “It’s important to avoid saturating them too heavily with liquid cleaners, as well as to avoid scrubbing or using a cleaning brush, as abrasion from bristles can rip or tear foam.”

If you’re dealing with a fresh spill, start by sopping up any excess liquid, Miller says.

Urine stains can be treated by spritzing them with white vinegar to combat uric acid and neutralize the odors. The Laundress sells ascented vinegar cleaning agent如果你worrie与精油d about having a mattress that smells acidic.

The Laundress also sells a洗涤和污渍条可以在内饰上使用。米勒(Miller)建议您将酒吧的泡沫打成一块清洁布,然后轻轻地轻轻一点污渍,直到升起。然后,您可以擦干床垫,浸透多余的水分,然后在更换床上用品之前使其干燥。米勒建议在床垫干燥时打开窗户或将风扇放在房间里进行通风。


A person pulls a mattress protector over the edge of a bare mattress
学分:审核 /贝西·戈德瓦瑟(Betsey Goldwasser)

A mattress protector wards off sweat, dust, and other allergens.



Here at Reviewed, we love the waterproofSlumber Cloud Core mattress protector在测试整个测试之后。它睡得很酷,很容易接触。我们也是簇和针头床垫保护器,,,,which offers protection on all exposed surfaces.

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