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Himalayan salt lamps are massively popular decorative blocks of pink salt with a light bulb fit inside. They can be found for sale in a whole slew of places from the American Museum of Natural History gift shop to Gwyneth Paltrow’s pseudoscience mecca Goop. Frankly, they’re everywhere.

Himalayan salt lamps at retail
信用:GoOP / Walmart / Amazon


这就是为什么它有关制造商和“健康专家”的原因是slew of claims关于这些设备的优势超出了简单的照明。他们说他们是纯净和环保的。你会听到他们释放负离子,他们说当你呼吸它们时,他们说吞噬你的肺和呼吸系统,清洁房子周围的空气,甚至中和电磁辐射。

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好的,当然,他们很漂亮。但是当你打破down these claims with some scientific rigor, only one fact remains: they're... well... they’re very pretty.

Colored Salt Isn’t Pure




Salt lamps don’t release ions.





Getting salt to release negative ions requires heat—A LOT of heat. In fact, says Nyman, the temperature required is 2600 degrees Fahrenheit. Chemists studying salt do this sort of thing all the time, but they use a very specialized laser called a femtosecond laser (the same one that doctors use for cataract surgeries). A run-of-the-mill, everyday light bulb isn’t going to come close to doing the trick. In fact, she says, even burning the salt wouldn’t achieve the desired ion release, as fire changes the chemistry completely and doesn’t release negative ions.

The best way to get salt into your nasal passages, where it might actually have some benefit to your health, is by dissolving it in water. And, good news, there’s already a product on the market that does this very thing. It’s callednasal spray. Though, she admits, “nasal spray is not as pretty as the lamp.”

作为灯的清洁空气能力,Nayman说mightbe possible. Salt attracts water. Contaminants in the air like to stick to water. So the lamp could theoretically collect some floating particles as water deposits on it. However, the lamp would need a pretty big surface area to pull this off. The only way to do that would be to fill it with a gazillion tiny holes. So in order to really become an air purifier the lamp should look more like swiss cheese when you put in it under a microscope.

“刚刚获得空气净化器,”Nayman说。(编者注:审查的实验室尚未完成测试空气净化器,但现在HONEYWELL HPA300是一个安全的赌注。)

Salt Mines Are Not Sustainable

至于盐矿是否环保,任何生态学家都会告诉您采矿业务,无论如何“可持续”,它会扰乱当地生态系统。一些操作比其他操作更好(盐灯制造商声称他们正在努力开采,但这项工作是由Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation,这也在该国其他地区挖掘煤炭)。

如果你真的想进入Nitty GriTy,那么将碳灯从巴基斯坦运送到世界各地的灯具制造商和消费者所需的碳。答案不是零。

这是最大的摩擦。粉红色喜马拉雅盐实际上并没有来自喜马拉雅山的高峰。它在巴基斯坦旁遮普地下干海面床上开采。哪个,好的,它靠近the Himalayas, at its foothills, so the marketing teams can at least get points for creativity.



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