
Does what you eat hurt your skin?


一个人坐在椅子上,在微笑时拿着一个装有沙拉的碗。 Credit: Getty Images / nd3000


几乎每个人都可以与购买skincare有望仅获得SO-SO结果的主要改进的产品。虽然您局部应用于皮肤会产生效果,但下次您受到皮肤祸的影响,例如发红或干燥,值得向内看。这是因为您的饮食可以在皮肤健康中起主要作用。Dr. Alexander Zuriarrain,,,,a double board-certified plastic surgeon with Zuri Plastic Surgery and伊丽莎白·冈纳(Elizabeth Gunner),RD,位于纽约市的注册营养师。

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How does your diet positively impact your skin?

A bowl of yogurt, fruit, and granola being held by someone.
信用:Getty Images / Courtneyk

A balanced diet can help you minimize or avoid skin issues.

A common worry when it comes to skin health is premature aging, including seeing signs offine lines, wrinkles, age spots, 或者an overall dull appearance. One factor that can cause premature skin aging is being in a state of氧化应激,当身体无法调节其自由基的数量,或原子缺少从健康皮肤细胞中“抢”电子的电子。苏拉林说,如果没有适当的调节,自由基会损害皮肤,例如黑斑和血管破裂。

饮食发挥作用的地方:定期吃抗氧化剂(例如水果和蔬菜)的食物,您可以减少自由基对细胞的影响。除了含有维生素和矿物质以减少氧化应激的生产外,Gunner建议从瘦肉或植物性食物中食用蛋白质,因为“蛋白质是我们细胞的基础”,并充当“皮肤组织的基础”。最后,消耗probiotics(在酸奶或泡菜等发酵食品中发现的活微生物)和益生元(fibers found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains that stimulate good bacteria growth) that support your gut health has also been linked tomaintaining the skin’s health

How does your diet negatively impact your skin?

Credit: Getty Images / nensuria


Any food can cause a negative skin reaction if your body has an intolerance or allergy to it. But when it comes to universally unfavorable foods for the skin, refined sugar is at the forefront. This refers to the white sugar you bake with or that’s added to soda and candy, as well as sugars that have been extracted and reduced from foods like beets and corn that normally contain other nutrients like fiber or vitamins. Eating refined sugar triggers rapid blood sugar spikes that cause胰岛素增加与痤疮有关



Credit: Getty Images / Syldavia


除非您遇到过敏或食物不耐受,否则很可能需要长时间重复的饮食习惯才能引发皮肤的重大,可见的变化。“饮食,健康和保健总体[]是一个更大的情况,” Gunner说。“这不是您每天吃的一次,而是您每天每天几个月,几年来每天吃一次东西。”



A dietician sits on one side of a desk with fruit and a laptop on it and a patient sits on the other side.
图片来源:Getty Images / Stefanamer


If you experience sudden or prolonged skin changes without external changes such as a new护肤程序,,,,a good next step is speaking to a doctor about how your diet may be affecting your skin, Zuriarrain says. “It would be important to make certain adjustments to their diet, but to do so in a guided fashion under the care of a physician or diet professional.”

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