


一张女人染发的照片。 Credit: Getty Images / mheim3011


让你的头发颜色的后根或者成长t feels like hitting a major reset button. It’s a task that, once complete, spikes your confidence. With hair appointments cancelled because of the新冠病毒至少六个星期,希望通过将浴室变成自己的个人沙龙来控制头发颜色是可以理解的。因为这是许多人的外国领土,所以我们与发型师兼位于波士顿沙龙的所有者Marina Melnikova进行了交谈Zenarose,,,,to help you get a beautiful color at home—without a disaster that only a pro can fix.

Step 1: Consult your hair stylist

A photo of a woman consulting her hair stylist.
学分:Getty Images / Dragana991

Your stylist knows your hair best.

No longer having access to your salon does not mean that your hair stylist has disappeared. In fact, the opposite: They’re sitting around at home just like you are, and most would be thrilled to hear from you. “Reach out to your stylist and see if they can maybe give you your [hair color] formula or a link to a product that they approve of you using,” Melnikova says. “It’s hard because everyone goes to different salons, [the salons] all use different hair color, and every client is on a different path. You just want to make sure that you’re not straying too far from the journey that your hair is on.”

In some cases, your stylist may be able to mix your custom formula together for you and mail it to you or arrange for you to pick it up, taking a chunk of the guesswork off your hands. (And, please, pay or tip your stylist for their time and effort, in addition to the cost of the color products.)


Credit: Getty Images / doble-d


如果您没有发型师的输入,则过程中最艰难的部分是决定覆盖成年灰色的发色产品,并(或)无缝地融合到已经染成的头发中。首先,第一件事:绕过药店盒装染料,并购买高端,知名的品牌。梅尔尼科娃说:“盒装染料的问题是它非常有效的发色。”“对于您的头发来说,这是一种有害的产品,无论如何,它将创造颜色积累从一个应用程序中,然后您的设计师将不得不在回来时纠正它。”相反,Melnikova建议从Sally Beauty或者DP色调





当您寻找覆盖根部的颜色时,比染色的头发更黑暗和“灰烬”(除非是红发,否则黄金或红发的意思)。您的根部应该是头发中最黑暗的部分,因此,瞄准更黑的头部应该使您免于与其余头发更轻的根部。当您在Sally Beauty这样的地方购物时,染料应包含“级别”数字,指的是黑暗,“ 1级”是黑色的,在4到6范围内,黑暗至中等棕色,金发碧眼的人从7级或7级开始8.如果您可以要求您的造型师或沙龙中的某人在数据库中查找您的水平,请继续使用。如果您必须猜测您的基础色卡,在购买产品时将其降低。如果有“温暖”或“灰”颜色的选项,请选择更酷,灰烬的一面,以防止不必要的发红或黄铜。



学分:Getty Images / Srdjian Pav






图片来源:Getty Images / Mehmet Hilmi Barcin

Only apply dye to regrowth, not already-dyed hair.

The actual coloring process largely depends on the instructions on your dye’s bottle, including the ratio of dye to developer and the time period that the solution should sit on your head.

As for applying the color to your roots, Melnikova recommends erring on the side of only coloring what you can see, based on the style you normally wear your hair. If you prefer to wear your hair down, part your hair where you normally would and pin either side down with clips to keep the hair in place while you apply the color. From there, dab the dye in the direction of hair growth onto either side of your part and the tail-end of your part (only covering root regrowth). Then remove the clips and part the hair a half-inch over to the right, repeat the application process, then go over another half-inch to the right. Repeat this on the left side of your original part, as well. This will ensure that the inch surrounding your part is dyed, sufficiently covering any gray hairs that may show when your hair is down.


Having the very front of your hairline and your part covered gives the appearance of a fresh dye job, but if you make any errors, your hair stylist will have far less work to fix them than if you did the whole head “wrong.” If you typically wear your hair up, you can skip doing your part and go straight to the front hairline by putting your hair in a ponytail. Then repeat this process all the way around the hairline along your neck, using a mirror or someone’s help to get tough-to-reach spots.


如果您使用半永久性或“光泽”来修饰所有头发,那么您会遵循类似的过程,但要从根到尖端刷牙。最好将其分为部分,从正面开始,然后向后朝脖子工作。This way, you can pin your hair up on the top of your head with a clip and add more and more hair into the clip (or use additional clips) as you’re applying the product, to avoid getting dye on your shirt or skin.

Once you’ve applied your last dab of color, set a timer for the time advised in the hair color’s instructions.

Step 5: Shampoo and condition thoroughly

图片来源:Getty Images / Igor Vershinsky


When the timer sounds, it’s time to rinse it out. “You always want to shampoo really, really well,” Melkinova says. “Tilt your head back so the color is not getting in your eyes. Be very careful about splashing, because you can get color all over your shower.” Suds up your head twice and rinse until the water off your head runs clear. Apply your normal conditioner or a thicker conditioning mask (your preference), rinse, and style as usual.

You’re done! Enjoy your fresh new locks!

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