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Fast forward to 2019: Amazon has seen fit to refresh its flagship Kindle once again. Those thinking that they’d see another design mulligan in the All-New Kindle Oasis should brace themselves for disappointment. While the Oasis 3 ($279, with 32GB of storage and cellular connectivity as reviewed) does come packing a number of changes, they’re incremental at best.


如果您处理了第二代Kindle Oasis,您会发现您对豪华电子阅读器的第三次迭代并不陌生。

All-New Kindle Oasis Review
学分:审查 / seamus bellamy

当观看并排观看时,2017年Kindle Oasis和今年的全新Kindle Oasis几乎是相同的。

The dimensions of the Oasis 3’s slick, aluminum shell are the same as those of its predecessor. The page-turn buttons built into its asymmetrical bezel are just as clicky and responsive as seen in the Oasis’ last go-around. The Kindle Oasis 2, with an IPX rating of 8, was Amazon’s first waterproof e-reader. The latest version of the device scoffs at liquids with the same veracity, making it a great choice for extended bathtub reading sessions or a day by the pool.

Credit: Reviewed.com / Jackson Ruckar

Did I mention it's waterproof?

当前,OASIS 3具有两个不同的存储选项:8GB或32GB,并且可以使用或没有蜂窝LTE连接。If you do much of your reading off the grid or far from a stable Wi-Fi connection, you’ll want to invest in the higher capacity LTE-capable version of the Oasis 3. For everyone else, the 8GB version is enough to hold thousands of e-books and a Wi-Fi only configuration should prove more than adequate.

与其他设备在亚马逊的当前行up, the Oasis 3 can be used to listen to Audible content via Bluetooth And, just like every other Kindle that Amazon’s released over the past decade, users of the Oasis 3 have access to Amazon’s unrivaled selection of electronic reading content: books, magazines, manga—you name it. You can purchase this content à la carte or via all-you-can-eat monthly subscriptions.

Sadly, when the time comes to charge the Oasis 3, you’ll still be forced to do so via MicroUSB. In a device that costs as much as the Oasis 3 does, the lack of a USB-C port is almost inexcusable. USB-C hardware has proven more durable than MicroUSB ports tend to be and boast faster transfer rates than the older USB standards—a definite perk for anyone who enjoys side-loading e-books and other documents from their computer on to their Kindle.

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All-New Kindle Oasis
学分:审查 /塞米斯·贝拉米

全新的Kindle Oasis展示照明的可调节颜色节奏是非常理想的升级。

Now, remember the incremental changes that I mentioned at the opening of this review? Let’s talk about those.

深入研究设备的技术规格,我发现绿洲3的重量比其前身少0.2盎司。这还不足以让您注意到。尽管重量较轻,但亚马逊还是设法在设备中烘烤了稍大的电池:1,130 mah对1,000 mAh。很难判断这是否会转化为任何额外的阅读时间,因为该设备可以根据您的阅读习惯在电荷之间进行数周的运行。这样的小升级绝对不值得付出辛苦的现金。但是,亚马逊的新显示照明技术是。

Traditionally, Amazon’s Kindle e-readers have featured front lighting, provided by an array of blue-spectrum light-producing LEDs. The illuminated display basically allows bookworms to read in bed at night. Blue spectrum light comes with a catch, however, as it’s been proven to reduce melatonin production. This can translate into less sleep for those exposed to it. The Oasis 3 puts this issue to bed (sorry) by introducing front lighting capable of varying in color temperature from white to a warm yellow right up to an intense amber. Users of the Oasis 3 can adjust the color temperature to suit their individual taste or leave it up to the e-reader’s operating system and ambient light sensor to do it for them.

While using the Oasis 3, I found that its warm front lighting was easier on my eyes than the blue light the rest of Amazon’s Kindle lineup offers. Additionally, when used at a lower intensity, the yellow hue of the Oasis 3’s display more closely simulates the experience of reading off of a piece of paper than the Oasis 2 or 2018 Kindle Paperwhite can afford. If you’re like me and have difficulties drifting off at night, being able to tweak the color temperature of your e-reader’s lighting could be enough to tempt you into buying the All-New Kindle Oasis.

Should You Buy It?

在购买全新的Kindle Oasis时扳动扳机之前,请问自己:少数小型更新是否证明了这款设备的高价?对于许多人来说,这个问题的答案很可能是“否”。毫无疑问,Oasis 3是亚马逊有史以来最好的Kindle。也就是说,最好的地方只有纤细的边缘最佳,“足够好”通常足够好。Kindle Paperwhite(我们最喜欢的电子阅读器)提供了与OASIS 3相同的防水水平,具有相同的显示分辨率,就像其更昂贵的兄弟姐妹一样,具有8GB和32GB的能力。您可以以几乎一半的全新Kindle Oasis价格享受Kindle Paperwhite,这可能会使您比以往任何数量的增量更新更快乐。








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