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舒缓压力压力的5种方法 Credit: Getty Images / PeopleImages

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And while not all stress is bad, long-term stress can wreak havoc on your body. Truth be told, it might be written all over your face (read: redness, acne). But the good news is there are plenty of things you can do to manage the fallout. And, in true Reviewed style, we’ve got you covered with some great products to help you find your way back to healthy, glowing skin.



A woman looking stressed out.
Credit: Getty Images / Lordn


如果您曾经注意到,当您感到压力时,您会更容易突破,那就不在您的脑海中。事实是当您承受压力时,your body produces more cortisol。额外的皮质醇反过来表示您皮脂腺生产更多的油。这一事件链的结果是 - 您猜对了。

Moreover, when you’re stressed, chances are you’re not getting enough sleep. As we all know, our bodies go into我们睡觉时的维修和恢复模式,其中包括您的皮肤。如果您曾经有过几个不安的夜晚,那么您无疑会看到脸上的结果,因为缺乏睡眠可以放大细纹,黑眼圈和浮肿的眼睛。我想我们现在知道“美睡眠”一词的来源。

Beyond causing acne, stress can also trigger a flight or fight response, which in turn使您的身体释放组胺。Similar to an allergic reaction, you may develop hives, itchiness, and or redness. Ultimately this response can lead to a flare-up of skin conditions like银屑病或者湿疹

另外,压力会导致脱水和钝度。这是因为长时间的压力会导致您的肾上腺泵送应激激素的产生。最终,他们会感到疲倦 - 那不好。为什么?因为您的肾上腺也负责production of aldosterone, the hormone that regulates water levels in your body. And when the work of your adrenal glands is diverted to dealing with high-stress levels, your aldosterone drops, and before you know it, you’re dehydrated.


Step 1: Gently cleanse to get rid of external irritants




Try the SkinCeuticals Soothing Cleanser, which soothes with cucumber extracts and glycerin while sweeping away dirt and oil.

以$ 35


Shiseido Waso:柔软和柔软的抛光去角质剂。
Credit: Shiseido

使用Shiseido Waso剥落皮肤:柔软且舒适的抛光去角质剂。

Just as dehydration affects your body’s ability to perform optimally, it also affects your skin’s ability to perform its essential functions like cell turnover. So if your skin is looking a bit dull, it probably isn’t naturally sloughing off dead skin cells as it should. However, you can give your skin a helping hand with a little gentle exfoliation. Remember the keyword here is gentle. Again, you don’t want to cause any further irritation, so try to steer clear of “scrubbing” aggressively and using harsh products.

Instead, try a gentle exfoliator like Shiseido’s Waso Soft & Cushy Polishing Exfoliator. Made with a blend of soy and plant-based cellulose granules, this exfoliator gently cleanses and exfoliates without stripping your skin.

Get the Shiseido Waso: Soft & Cushy Polishing Exfoliator on Sephora for $34




Not only does excess cortisol pumping through your body降低您保留水的能力,但它也削弱了皮肤的防护屏障,进一步加剧了皮肤干燥的问题。您可能已经猜到了,舒缓皮肤干燥的唯一方法是保湿,保湿,保湿!

如果您的皮肤特别干燥,您可能需要从hydrating serumand follow that up with a rich moisturizer. Look for moisturizers that containhyaluronic acid(a moisturizing ingredient) or神经酰胺(lipids found in the outermost layer of the skin). Both of these superstar ingredients will help your skin retain moisture, keeping it hydrated and plump. The CeraVe Oil-Free Face Moisturizer with Sunscreen is suitable for all skin types and absorbs quickly.

Get the CeraVe Oil-Free Face Moisturizer with Sunscreen on Amazon for $11.89

Step 4: Try a face mask for a serious skin rescue effort

Glamglow thirstymud 24小时保湿处理面膜。
Credit: Glamglow

用Glamglow thirstymud 24小时保湿处理面膜,使您的皮肤有所增强。


Glamglow’s popular Thristymud face mask is made with a blend of hyaluronic acid, ginger, honey, and coconut to moisturize and soothe all skin types.

Get the Glamglow Thirstymud 24-Hour Hydrating Treatment Face Mask on Sephora for $60


The First Aid Beauty FAB Skin Lab Retinol Eye Cream with Triple Hyaluronic Acid.
Credit: First Aid Beauty

将急救美容厂皮肤实验室视网膜乳膏和三重透明质酸放在冰箱中,以使其成为最终的Undereye Soother。


If you’re looking for a new cream, reviewers love First Aid Beauty’s FAB Skin Lab Retinol Eye Cream with Triple Hyaluronic Acid for its use of retinol and hyaluronic acid that claim to tackle puffiness, dark circles, and fine lines and wrinkles.

以$ 42

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