
Apple Watch系列7与三星Galaxy Watch 4:您应该购买哪个?

How do our two favorite smartwatches stack up against each other?

Galaxy Watch 4和Apple Watch系列7的并排。 Credit: Reviewed / Joanna Nelius / Jordan McMahon


The walls around the garden are getting taller. While it's always been a bit of a hassle to switch between platforms, the inclusion of pricier accessories like smartwatches and wireless earbuds that only work with particular devices have made the prospect of switching trickier than ever.

Apple Watch Series 7或三星的Galaxy Watch 4都不是跨平台,因此,尽管它们的高价标签会为您带来一些漂亮的功能,例如睡眠跟踪和方便的通知,但它们也将作为留在各自平台上的另一个理由。如果您要挥霍昂贵的智能手表,那应该足够好,可以证明额外购买的锁定是合理的。

Get the Apple Watch Series 7


三星Galaxy Watch 4在Galaxy Note 20上休息的图像。
Credit: Reviewed / Jordan McMahon

即使Galaxy Watch4很棒,但随附的三星手机基本上是必需的。

我们注意到在我们的reviewof the Galaxy Watch 4, it's the first of Samsung's smartwatches to require a Samsung device for the best experience. Although it's compatible with other Android devices, such as the Google Pixel 6, you'll have to install a few extra apps during setup. The Galaxy Watch 4 also won't work with iPhones at all, unlike theGalaxy Watch 3

Nothing's changed on Apple's end with the Apple Watch Series 7, which only works with iOS devices. While that's a bit of a bummer, that's always been the case with Apple's devices.

Our pick: Galaxy Watch 4


Both the Apple Watch and the Galaxy Watch have GPS and GPS+Cellular options, and all come with 802.11b/g/n 2.4GHz and 5.0GHz Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 5.0. With both watches, the cellular models will require an additional monthly payment on your wireless plan (usually around $10/month).



绿色的Apple Watch系列7的特写镜头显示了其自行车锻炼跟踪,背景中有一辆自行车的车把。
Credit: Reviewed / Jordan McMahon

Apple Watch Series 7是第一个自动检测自动锻炼的Apple Watch,它的作用很快。

系列7和Galaxy Watch 4都有一系列传感器,可以常规地扫描您的身体指标,以监视心率,时间入睡甚至血氧水平等事物。

像Apple Watch系列6一样,系列7也带有ECG(心电图)和光学心脏传感器以及血氧传感器。系列7的内部没有任何变化,这意味着它们的工作原理和系列6都一样,但也意味着您也可以跳过升级。

While both watches can track workouts ranging from runs and walks to bike rides and hikes, the Apple Watch Series 7 has the added benefit of automatically logging cycling workouts. Older Apple Watches could only do this for walks and runs.

Galaxy Watch 4还具有一个ECG传感器,光学心脏传感器和生物电阻抗分析传感器,该传感器通过您的身体发送微小的电荷以获得身体组成的近似值。

Overall, both watches successfully logged blood oxygen levels, hours slept, calories burned, and miles walked. It’s important to remember, though, that these measurements may not be entirely accurate, and are better suited for tracking progress over time than using them as hard-set data points.



Unfortunately, there isn't a contest between Apple's Siri and Samsung's Bixby. Siri is still better at things like summoning directions, running timers and using the internet to answer simple questions. Bixby has a harder time with setting timers and can’t run multiple timers at once like the Series 7 can.

Apple Watch还具有iOS和WatchOS的庞大应用程序的好处,这些应用程序可以插入Siri,这使您可以执行诸如“待办事项”列表应用程序之类的事情,在Spotify或Pandora上播放一首歌,然后播放队列中的最新播客。

Google的Wear OS(为Galaxy Watch 4提供动力),没有那么多的应用程序可供选择,因此,尽管可用的应用程序可能具有语音控制选项,但采摘却很小。可以理解的是,三星会选择自己的助手,但是它应该确保在比赛之前能够像竞争对手一样有能力。在此之前,手表4将由Google更有能力的助手提供更好的动力。

我们的选择:Apple Watch系列7


Apple Watch的个人资料的镜头,绿色的色调仅在Direct Punlight中可见。在较深的照明中,绿色模型看起来黑色。
Credit: Reviewed / Jordan McMahon


莫st notable change to the Series 7 is its bigger display (41mm and 45mm, compared to last year's 40mm and 44mm options). The 41mm model features a 1.69-inch display, and the 45mm model is bumped up to a 1.9-inch display. Both still have an OLED display with a rounded square design, with resolutions of 484 x 396 (45mm model) and 430 x 352 (41mm model). The larger display mostly makes text easier to read (there's even a few extra font sizes), but the extra space does allow for a little more information to be shown on screen than previous models.

Meanwhile, the Galaxy Watch 4 features a round, 1.6-inch Super AMOLED display with a resolution of 450 x 450 for the 44mm option, and a 1.2-inch display with a resolution of 396 x 396 for the 40mm model.


我们的选择:Apple Watch系列7


Galaxy Watch 4的底面的视图,以突出显示其一系列健康传感器。
Credit: Reviewed / Jordan McMahon

The Galaxy Watch 4 is packed with sensors to track all kinds of health metrics, including new body fat and skeletal muscle measurements.

The Galaxy Watch 4 starts at $250 for the 40mm model and goes up to $330 for the 44mm cellular option. The Watch 4 Classic, which is identical to the Watch 4 aside from its physical bezel, starts at $350 for a 42mm model and $380 for the 46mm option.

您必须为Apple Watch支付更多费用。41mm型号的起价为399美元,无需蜂窝,GPS和Cellular的价格为499美元。仅GPS型号的45mm选项为429美元,蜂窝模型的价格为529美元。

Our pick: Galaxy Watch 4


选择合适的智能手表更多的是您喜欢的手机,而不是客观上最好的手表。因此,就Apple的Watch系列7对三星的Galaxy Watch 4而言,选择获胜者并不像明确的那样明确M1 iPad Pro与Microsoft Surface Pro X。The Galaxy Watch 4 is compatible with other Android devices besides Samsung, but the Watch Series 7 has a slight edge over with a larger display and other features. Ultimately, they both sort of even each other out.

大多数智能手表,包括Galaxy Watch和Apple Watch,仅与精选的几个设备一起使用,以及更广泛的选项,例如化石Gen 6有一些限制。除非您愿意在新手机上额外花几百美元或更多钱来使用检查所有盒子的智能手表,否则您将与与您选择的手机兼容的任何东西都陷入困境。

幸运的是,您至少可以使用一只好手表,而无需做出太多牺牲。Apple生态系统中的那些人不会对Apple Watch系列7感到失望,尽管如果您的5或6系列仍然罚款,那么值得节省您的钱。同时,Galaxy Watch 4为Android用户提供了出色的智能手表体验,同时花费比Apple Watch少一些。(尽管您仍在摇摆银河观看3,但现在也值得节省您的钱)。

If you're really hung up on the two, the Apple Watch has a slight advantage thanks to its larger display, better app support, and better voice assistant. That won't do you much good if you're an Android user, but if you're in the market for a new phone and you're a heavy smartwatch user, the Apple Watch Series 7 might be enough to sway you.

Get the Apple Watch Series 7

