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This survival kit is beloved by celebs—we had a mom put it to the test

Disaster preparedness is of most importance given today's climate

On left, Judy Survival Safe on countertop. On left, person smiling while holding pliers and wearing gloves. Credit: Reviewed / Eden Strong

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If there’s anything that the past couple of years have taught us, it’s that we shouldalwaysbe prepared. From a global pandemic, to raging wildfires, and destructive storms, the idea of personal safety and sustainability in situations where help may not be readily available, is a concept that many people have begun to explore and prepare for.

Always a bit of anover-preparer我自己,我在地下室里堆叠了几箱水瓶,购买了几个手电筒,但是除此之外,我不确定如果灾难影响我所处的地区,我还需要什么。

But, when I was first introduced toThe Safe, an emergency preparedness kit made by Judy, I immediately thought that it may be exactly the kind ofsurvival kitthat I’ve been looking for to ensure that no matter what the situation, my family will be prepared until help arrives. It’s beloved by celebrities from the Kardashians to奥普拉, so we decided to try it out.

What is The Safe by Judy?

Judy Survival Safe in front of yellow background.
Credit: Judy



坚固的11.5英寸x 15.5英寸乘11英寸,防水,盖子箱,包含63个挽救生命的必需品,保险箱的颜色是明亮的橙色,因此您可以在紧急情况下快速轻松地发现它。而且,尽管它到达了供应量的最高点,但它的重量仅为18磅,使得四处移动和存储变得方便。

朱迪还出售其他一些根据需求而不同的紧急套件,包括The Mover Max.

Here’s what’s in The Safe

On left, six boxes of emergency supplies on countertop.
Credit: Reviewed / Eden Strong

This top-rated kit is grouped into six different boxes, giving you peace of mind that everything can be found quickly in the event of an actual emergency.


  • 安全包含两个紧急哨声,一双手套,四个防尘口罩,四个发光棒和四个雨披。
  • Warmth contains one candle, one package of waterproof matches, four rescue blankets, and four sets of hand warmers.
  • First Aid contains one package of wet wipes, one biohazard bag, one quick dry towel, one first aid kit containing 101 pieces, two hand sanitizers, and two packages of tissues.
  • Tools contains one multipurpose tool, one hand crank radio/flashlight and charger, two multipurpose bags, and a mini roll of duct tape.
  • 水含有16个保质期5年的水袋。
  • Food contains 10 food bars with a 5-year shelf life.

What I liked


Credit: Reviewed / Eden Strong

多用途工具包括在this kit are heavy-duty.



The hand-crank radio took only a few cranks of the handle before the radio signal came in loud and clear, and its combination flashlight feature was surprisingly bright. The included tarp seems pretty standard and the mini roll of duct tape gave me a good chuckle, because, step down hurricane-force winds, duct tape fixes everything!


Credit: Reviewed / Eden Strong


The safety box was up next and again, I was impressed with the variety of items. The whistles screech loud and clear and the glow stick’s shine far exceeds the novelty glow sticks most people are likely more familiar with.

The dust masks bear an KN95 imprint and their thickness would lead me to believe that they would do well filtering out air contaminants such as ash and dust, while the rubber coated gloves are a nice touch that I could definitely see coming in handy in a natural disaster situation.

The warming items are forwarding thinking, despite a small flaw

Credit: Reviewed / Eden Strong


The warmth box is well thought out and contains a variety of useful items. The four warming blankets are clearly marked, as is the candle that I would assume is to have a continuous source for starting a fire (unless people often huddle around a candle for warmth).

There is also a box of fire-starting matches that are more impressive than what I have typically seen in the match department.

The warmth box also contains four sets of hand warmers, but unfortunately, they are not marked—surprising since The Safe does such a stellar job labeling nearly everything else—and I had no idea what they were until I popped one and it got warm. On the upside, the hand warmers work great.

What I didn’t like

The first-aid box confused me

Credit: Reviewed / Eden Strong

The first aid kit that came included in the Judy Survival Safe focused mainly on wound care–which is problematic in the event of a fire or more severe ailment.


There was a stack of folded plastic and a piece of cloth, that I assumed were a tarp and maybe material to be used as a sling, but upon reading the website description I realized they were biohazard bags and a quick-dry cloth. And again in honesty, I have no idea what a quick-dry cloth is and Google wasn’t any help.

The hand sanitizers appeared to be missing, but there was a package of wet wipes and two packs of tissues. The First Aid box also contains a mini first-aid kit in a handy little pouch, stocked with bandaids, gauze, Q-tips, cleansing wipes, and two safety pins.

Overall, I see where Judy was going with this, but I can’t help but wonder how useful q-tips will be if we are in a situation so dire that we are depending on an emergency kit to sustain us.

I would have preferred to see something along the lines of an Ace bandage, over-the-counter burn cream, or a tourniquet included for the type of injuries most often seen after natural disasters.

I spilled more water than I drank

On left, small child attempting to drink water out of a pouch. On left, pouches of water in a box.
Credit: Reviewed / Eden Strong

We found the lightweight box of water to be less accessible for young children than we anticipated.

The water box disappointed me, as well. While I can understand the thinking behind the water pouches (space saving, lighter for travel), I just can’t get behind the design, especially in a family setting. The pouches were difficult to drink out of, and, for my toddler, it was nearly impossible.

There’s also no way to set them down without spilling the contents so you have to drink the pouch all at once; another task that proved to be difficult for my children.

我希望朱迪至少有包括collapsible cup for young children, individuals with disabilities, or anyone who might have trouble drinking from a pouch or drinking all of the pouch at one time. Since hydration is a critical need during an emergency, this is a big issue for me.

The food box doesn’t work for people with gluten allergies

Meal replacement bar on countertop.
Credit: Reviewed / Eden Strong


I could not test the meal replacement bars in the food box at all, because they contain wheat, which I am allergic to. This is a big issue for a lot of people.

In fact, the meal replacement bars contain several common allergens, so anyone with food allergies who does invest in The Safe is going to want to replace these bars with something else.

Judy’s website claims that the company is working to change this, but as of now The Safe does not meet the standards of survival for allergy families.


A few items are mislabeled


Should you buy The Safe by Judy?

On left, six boxes of emergency supplies inside of emergency kit. On right, Judy Survival Safe in front of yellow background.
Credit: Reviewed / Eden Strong / Judy

The Judy Survival Safe saves you the hassle–and the costly price–of gathering individual items to add to your home emergency kit.

The Safe offers a convenient way to attain the safety and security that families need to be prepared for, by containing a variety of items that overall I can see being useful in an emergency disaster situation, all readily available in one convenient purchase.

It’s a huge time saver to be able to buy everything all together rather than shopping for all the items individually, and that alone may mean the difference between being prepared in the event of an emergency, or being left with an unfinished to-do list and a lot of regret.

Many of the items, such as the multipurpose tool and the fire-starting matches, are well made, and quite a few of the items, such as the rubber coated gloves, are things that I would not have thought of adding to a homemade emergency kit on my own, yet they serve a very important purpose. The items are organized and packaged in a way that is well adapted to an emergency situation, and the bright orange bin is not only perfect for storage, but also perfectly designed for locating and utilizing should an emergency occur.

Overall, you could save a little money by creating your own emergency preparedness kit by shopping and purchasing the items on your own, but if time-saving convenience is what you are after, Judy’s The Safe may be the perfect kit for you.


The Safe offers that security in the easiest way possible and if the price fits into your budget, I highly recommend purchasing The Safe by Judy.

Get The Safe by Judy from Judy for $295

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