
冰沙碗是一个巨大的趋势 - 这就是如何在家中制作它们


冰沙碗是一个巨大的趋势 - 这就是如何在家中制作它们 Credit: Reviewed / Jackson Ruckar


Thanks to Instagram, fitness trends, and our culture’s permanent fascination with Los Angeles, smoothie bowls are absolutely everywhere. Once reserved for only the hippest cafes and crunchiest organic restaurants, these colorful bowls can now be found at most places serving sit-down breakfast—but unfortunately, their ubiquity hasn’t made them any less expensive.

如果您想享受冰沙碗的所有健康福利(和审美信誉),但不想为轻盈早餐壳牌送出12美元,我们在这里提供帮助。继续阅读,了解如何在家里制作一个完美的冰沙碗 - 相信我,我曾经以谋生为生。


Credit: Reviewed / Jackson Ruckar

There’s really only two essential components to any good smoothie bowl—a fruit smoothie base, and toppings. One of the benefits of making them at home is being able to completely customize your recipe!

When I worked in a juice cafe in 2015, we made three types of smoothie bowl bases: açai, matcha, and chocolate. Açai was the most popular, likely due to its bright purple color and then-mysterious name, and we made them simply by combining a packet of frozen açai puree with two frozen bananas and some water or dairy-free milk, blending them thick with a高功率维生素,并将它们倒入碗中进行顶部。


一种dding chia to smoothie bowl
Credit: Reviewed / Jackson Ruckar

You can also add nut butter, natural sweetener, protein powder, greens, or any other additional ingredients you might put in a normal smoothie, as long as it doesn’t make the base watery or lumpy (avoid raw fruit and granola, for example). Adding some frozen banana to any version of your smoothie base will help it get creamy and smooth in texture without the addition of actual dairy. The matcha and chocolate bowls we made at my cafe were made simply from frozen bananas blended with matcha or cocoa powder.

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Toppings are where you can really get creative with your bowl. If you’re looking for something filling and nutritionally balanced, stick to high-fiber and high-protein toppings like granola, cocoa nibs, crushed nuts, and chia seeds. Sweeter toppings like fresh fruit, peanut butter, and coconut are also delicious options that add a lot of color to your bowl.


What you need

Smoothie bowl ingredients
Credit: Reviewed / Jackson Ruckar
  • 一种high-powered blender, such as a Vitamix
  • 一种good切菜板and切片果实
  • 少数鲜花浇头(我们使用猕猴桃,蓝莓,草莓和香蕉)
  • 1-2冰冻香蕉
  • 1杯冷冻水果(我们使用桃子和芒果)
  • 飞溅的非乳制品(足以让搅拌机移动)
  • 用于浇头的干成分(我们使用椰子薄片,Chia Seeds,Granola和Cacao Nibs)
  • 一个宽的碗供应
  • 可选:花生酱或天然甜味剂,如龙舌兰



Credit: Reviewed / Jackson Ruckar

You don’t want to give your smoothie bowl time to melt once you blend it—slice your fruit toppings first so they’re ready to go.

2. Add frozen banana, other frozen fruit, and splashes of non-dairy milk to your blender

Credit: Reviewed / Jackson Ruckar


3.混合on HIGH or the blender’s preset frozen setting until thick and smooth

Credit: Reviewed / Jackson Ruckar



Credit: Reviewed / Jackson Ruckar



Credit: Reviewed / Jackson Ruckar



Credit: Reviewed / Jackson Ruckar

一种t last, your ideal smoothie bowl is ready. Make sure to eat it before it melts—THEN you can share a picture online.

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