
环形经验专业earplugs review

These earbuds calm audio chaos if you're sensitive to sound

彩色的循环耳塞(S)薄荷绿色,银色/黑色和黑色/黑色旁边的黑色和白色盒装包装。 Credit: Reviewed / Jacqueline Raposo


  1. 循环体验专业耳塞

When you’re sensitive to sound, volume can affect how you feel in excruciating measures. Sure, car alarms, jackhammers, and truck clangs jolt everyone out of the moment. But when hypersensitivity to sounds of all sorts irritate cognitive function and increase pain, you need a disability aid that turns that dial down.

我患有病毒后疾病Myalgic Encephalomyelitis(ME/CFS) for many years. There’s an autonomic component to ME/CFS, so I soon identified that loud, unexpected sounds send my heart racing into fight-or-flight mode. Post-exertional brain fog and pain always follow. It took me much longer to realize that noise sensitivity to the subtle hum of electronics, street traffic, or water boiling can derail my baseline, too.

Most disability aids offered to those with sound sensitivity fromautism,ME/CFS,纤维肌痛或长期COVID-19中心noise-canceling headphones。这些提供了声音真空或环境噪声,以减少压倒性,我一次又一次地呼吁它们。但是它们通常很大,笨重,也不是最微妙的声音残疾辅助工具。他们还需要充电并连接到声音应用程序,因此当您想要简单的声音逃脱时,它们不是无缝的选择。

Which brings me to环形,一家保证您可以“生活的生活”的公司。


Credit: Reviewed / Jacqueline Raposo


高于85分贝的噪音是damaging for your ears。That’s equivalent to anything that makes you raise your voice to talk to someone a few feet away.Standard foamor蜡耳塞将体积从10分贝(dB)降低到任何地方,这样做时会消声。

By comparison, Loop经验耳塞模仿耳朵的功能。它们减少了18dB,但剩余的噪音听起来很自然。


一个沉默的插件插入到这两种环reduces volume an additional 5dB.

What I like

环形earplugs in color(s) mint green, silver/black and gold/black.
Credit: Reviewed / Jacqueline Raposo

Customize your earplugs to fit with your day-to-day.

They’re effective

Both the安静的and经验plugs帮助减少我的声音敏感性偏头痛,身体疼痛和疲劳。

Working with the Quiet earplugs in, I have more focus and can concentrate for longer stretches of time. Sounds like the jolting bark of my terrier soften, giving me a greater sense of calm. After a while, I don’t notice that I hear less noise. I only notice relief.

在使用体验插头时,我的结果并没有完全平等的结果。我猜您减少了多少分贝确实有所作为!也就是说,烹饪和清洁声音更加愉快。我不会不断地因卡车外面的卡车或炉子上的盘子拍打而分心。当我与拥有的亲戚在一起时,他们也会有所帮助听力损失and keeps the television so loud that I usually run from the room. With the Experience earplugs in, I still hear the noise, but it doesn’t drown me.


由于两个耳塞的变化并静音,因此您可以选择减少多少噪声。安静和体验套装带有四个尺寸的硅尖端,以确保贴合。Experience Pro添加了四个尺寸的热整形记忆泡沫,它们更适应耳朵。

Each set comes in a variety of colors—from黑色的金子粉彩薄荷- 因此,与其他可重复使用的耳塞相比,它们是一种时尚的选择。

They’re comfortable

The Quiet earplugs are made entirely from light, soft silicone, and they’re luxuriously comfortable. I rarely noticed I was wearing them—even after many hours. The Experience earplugs are made from ABS (a non-toxic, durable plastic) and coated with a metallic finish. I found the Quiet plugs a touch more comfortable, but negligibly so.

What I don’t like

Credit: Reviewed / Jacqueline Raposo


The Experience plugs don’t invite conversation


The packaging isn’t perfect

The package design is beautiful. But the printed instructions come in a laughably small font. This doesn’t affect the plugs’ efficacy, of course, but it could make them frustrating to set up, especially for those with低视力

Should you buy Loop Earplugs?

Credit: Reviewed / Jacqueline Raposo

These earplugs are perfect for those in loud, boisterous settings that need a noise reducer.


I live a quiet life alone in suburban and rural spaces and still feel better wearing them than I do without. If I was still living in New York City, they would be a miracle product.

如果您正在寻找大量减少,我建议您安静的。I’d choose those for public transportation or anywhere loud that necessitates concentration.


一个nd if you’re looking for a disability aid to subtly reduce noise sensitivity while keeping conversation easeful, I still recommend耀斑音频的平静芽。他们同样舒适。尽管它们没有减少整体量,但它们会大大减轻打击。对于那些想要更复杂的解决方案的人,无论您选择哪种类型,循环耳塞都可以按照广告宣传的方式工作。


Get Loop Experience Pro from Amazon for $35

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  1. 循环体验专业耳塞
